Thursday, January 7, 2016

*Project 52* Volume 2, Week 1 / Austin, Texas Photographic Art

Oh, my poor, neglected little blog.

I did pretty well for the first half of my first Project 52....and then I let myself get distracted. For a year and a half. It's okay though. This blog is not vital, but a creative outlet for mostly personal work that sometimes gets attention, and sometimes does not. It simply sits and waits patiently for me when I'm busy doing other things.

Anyhow, I got the urge to start back up where I left off, and the theme I chose for (what should have been) Part 2 is....

*In Living Color*

Colors found in nature.

I even have the first few images ready to go. So without further adieu (and before the first week of 2016 officially becomes the second week of 2016), here is my first image for *Project 52* Volume 2:

(now let's see if I can keep up with this on a weekly basis this year.....)

Until my next post—