Thursday, January 27, 2011

Michelle has passed the torch.....

My dear friend Michelle Bynum, who has fought breast cancer for the past 5 1/2 years, went to heaven early this morning.

Here is a taste of the person she was (or rather, is, since I believe death is not the end) and what she meant to me:

Sweet Michelle,

I first met you sometime in 1998 when we were both working at Dell.  I remember admiring your self-assurance and no-fail attitude from afar, but we didn’t have much of a connection at first.  It may surprise you that I was even a little intimidated by you.  I was not the most confident person at work back then.  As time went on, we’d see each other here and there due to mutual friends, but it was not until years later that we would discover we really liked each other.

Jump ahead to 2005, when I heard from our friend Alison that you were diagnosed with breast cancer.  Having lost my mother to this horrid disease in 1986, I was all too familiar with what lay ahead of you, and though we were not yet friends, you had my full support from the get-go.  I was so upset to know that you had to bear this burden at such a young age and with such a young son.  It wasn’t fair!  Being a veteran runner in the Race for the Cure, I immediately joined your team, Michelle’s Angels, which your sister so lovingly organized in your honor.  It was at that point that our friendship began to take hold, one of countless good things that came out of something so wretched.

Through the last 5½ years I have gotten to know the bold, charming, funny, beautiful, faithful, fabulous person that you are.  I saw you each November at the Race for the Cure; had some long, heartfelt phone conversations with you; and had the privilege of celebrating your 38th birthday with you in July—one that you weren’t sure you would see.  During these years, you have become more than just a friend.  You are someone I love dearly, a sister in the cancer-fighting community, and a huge reason why I started riding in the LiveStrong Challenge each October.  I remember more than once at the end of an event, we’d give each other a big, long hug, and you’d whisper in my ear, “I know she’s so proud of you!”  In the throes of your cancer battle, you cast your own worries aside and comforted me by remembering that I was also there for my mom.  She is the reason that I started running in the Race for the Cure, but the past few years have been focused on you.  Being part of the team that consistently raises the most money at the Race for the Cure in Austin…..well….it’s impossible not to be excited about that!  But the stronger pull was just being around you.  You spread joy wherever you go.  Since your cancer-fighting journey started, I cannot remember a time when I was with you that you didn’t have a big smile on your face and gratitude in your heart.

Since your diagnosis, you coined two phrases that are quite telling: “Don’t waste my cancer,” and “Eat life with a big spoon!”  You have managed to do both of these things exceedingly well.  With all that you’ve accomplished—the publicity, community involvement, fund raising, and simply loving your friends, family and fellow females—you have taken something so “dark, devastating, scary and ugly” and squeezed an immeasurable amount of good from it.  Take that, Cancer!

Sadly, even though you reached your 5-year milestone as a survivor last year, we knew that cancer would take you from us too soon.  Though you beat the odds several times, God called you home early this morning.  Heaven’s garden just became a more beautiful place with its newest blossom now fully open….

Michelle, you have touched my life in ways that I cannot explain, for which I will be eternally grateful.  I am relieved that you are no longer suffering, but, selfishly, I want you back.  We all do.  I want to learn more of your life lessons!  Rest peacefully, and know that we’ll take care of each other and keep your spirit alive by continuing your mission.

Since death does not equate stopping, I won’t say good-bye.  Instead, I’ll say…..
Seeya later, alligator!

I love you!


P.S. Tell my mom I said hi and I miss her, and give her a big hug for me………


Thursday, January 20, 2011

'Before & After' / Austin Portrait Photographer

Imaging USA was sort of mind-blowing.  The trade show was HUGE.  I estimate that there were, oh, I don't know, about a gazillion new album manufacturers present.  Among other types of vendors.  There are always some bargains on the floor, and I came away with some software and a deal I couldn't pass up on a lens I've been wanting.  The speakers were excellent.  I was able to take it in for a couple of afternoons/evenings, and while the expo and seminars were fabulous, it was the meeting new people, socializing and trading knowledge and ideas that I found most valuable.  Well worth the money and time spent to be there.

My husband always reads my blog entries, and he asked me about an image in particular from my previous post on the 17th.  It's the third from the top, a grainy B&W shot of our younger son, Zach.  It's not at all sharp and it's grainy (you can see this better if you click on it; it will pop up to full size on your screen).  He said he was surprised that I included it among the other images because it was so different than what I usually show, and while he understands that there is an artistic element to it, he wasn't sure my other blog readers would 'get' it.  So I'm using his concern as the topic of this post.

In most of my work, I tend to keep my subjects' features sharp, particularly the eyes.  Sometimes it's fun to play and do things differently though, such as showing motion by using a longer shutter speed.  Now, I have to admit, this shot of Zach was taken quite awhile back, before I really knew how to use my camera properly, and I was out shooting randomly to see what I could get.  It's a fun exercise and a great way to learn more about how your camera works.  Anyway, the little guy had just woken up from a nap (hence the crazy hair sticking up in all directions), and he had a fire in his belly that day.  I remember chasing him all over the yard and having the best time watching him, and I wanted to document the severe bed head because it was so flippin' cute.  Out of many shots, this one caught my attention.....I love his expression, his wild hair, and the motion in his little hands.  I immediately converted it to B&W, and later I added the grain to make it look like it was captured perhaps in another decade on high speed film. It's not likely win any awards, but I love it and it makes me happy to look at it.  It's truly a 'moment shot' -- completely natural and unplanned and essential.  It's quite motivating to capture something unexpected and see the potential in it and then love the result, even if it's 'imperfect' or unconventional. 

I like to share the 'before & after' from time to time, and I feel that this one calls for that.
I hope this inspires you to 'think outside the box' (sorry -- I know that saying is waaaaaay overused) when deciding what to display in your home.  Images that move you and make you smile are sometimes the unexpected ones.

I leave you with this thought until next time:
'I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination.  Imagination is more important than knowledge.  Knowledge is limited.  Imagination encircles the world.'
~Albert Einstein

Monday, January 17, 2011

Imaging USA / Austin Children, Family and Pet Photographer

Imaging USA is back in Texas this year!  It's one of the biggest professional photography conventions in the world, perhaps in the country, with over 13,000 people attending (I may have pulled that number out of a hat, but either way it a whole lot of photographers and the people who support them).  It's the first big industry event of the year, comprising a huge trade show, learning programs, exhibits, awards, parties and general happenings focused on the art, science and business of photography.  Essentially, it's one humendous and tremongous photography celebration.  This year it's right down the road in San Antonio.  I'm about to head down there today!

The first time I attended IUSA was in 2006, and what an eye-opener it was.  Being there among all the greatness in this industry gave my small business a jolt filled with ideas, how-to's, encouragement and inspiration.  Aspiring pros, please do yourself a favor: join PPA (Professional Photographers of America) and attend Imaging as soon as possible.  Next year it's in N'Awlins.....laissez les bon temps rouler!

In the spirit of celebration, I leave you with some parting shots that have stuck with me.  They're in no particular order or category, just some favorites of mine.


 ***this one of Miss E and her doggy is featured in the SPCA of Texas Paws Cause 2011 calendar***
Thank you to her aunt and uncle, not only for choosing this image (one of my all-time faves) for their page, but also for supporting animal welfare in Texas!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

HAPPY 2011 / Austin children, family and pet photographer

Here we are, a few hours into Day Two of Two Thousand Eleven.  I hope Day One was good for everyone!  I spent the entire day of 01-01-11 getting started on Resolution Number One: RENEWING MY (and my family's) SPACE.  This comprises several smaller (but not small by any means) projects, including: 1) dashing the clutter; 2) getting more organized (isn't that everyone's goal); 3) finishing painting the walls (!); and 4) updating the photos and portrait art in my home.

Why am I blogging this? you know, putting your plans/goals/dreams/intentions in writing increases the likelihood that they will come to fruition.  And "putting it out there" makes you more accountable.  AND I refer back to my blog fairly often, so this serves as a reminder.....

My first self-assigned task was to clear the kitchen desk (you know those built-in desks in or near the kitchen) in order to make it USABLE.  The cubbies behind the kitchen desk held the kids' school work from last year; that was the first to go.  We keep some of it for posterity but most of it is now GONE.  Yippee!  Accomplishment!  That was all it took to get me on a roll.

The fun thing about cleaning up and sorting through stuff is discovering things you've been looking for and things you didn't know you had which still provide amusement.  The even more fun thing is tossing stuff that you no longer need....expired coupons, old receipts, business cards that you don't know why you have, etc.  Long story short, I put four grocery sacks full of paper refuse into the recycle bin today.  It never ceases to amaze me how much PAPER we humans consume.  But I digress....

Be watching for New Things happening with Kimberly Sarantakes Photography in 2011.  One thing I'm really excited about is adding frames from The Organic Bloom and Wild Sorbet to my offering.  These frames are so flippin' cute, and they really add panache to portrait art.  I just ordered my studio sample set from The Organic Bloom and I can't wait to get it!

Now, for Resolution Number Two: get more sleep.  I think I'll start that one right now....