Tuesday, June 30, 2009

When Life Gives You Lemons...

When it rains, it pours. This is great for the grass but not so great when you are a natural light photographer who shoots primarily outdoors. Just as I was arriving at a session this morning, down came the rain, accompanied by substantial bolts of lightning. So there we were, trying to decide whether it would blow over, and I thought it would be worth a try to set up a white background next to a large window in the house. M and D were wearing white and light blue, and the precious 4-week-old puppies that served as live "props" are mostly white, so it seemed like a no-brainer. Not today...the sky was just too dark this morning. So what do you do when you've spent time moving furniture, setting up equipment, and directing two kids and five teeny puppies (and then photographing them, of course)? You find at least one usable shot and do something with it. This one was the winner. B&W should not be about rescuing images, but sometimes it really does bring out the best in a particular composition. For this shot there was no question about it. Even so, the plan was to shoot in the back yard, so we are going to try again tomorrow. Dare I hope that the rain cools things down, at least for a day or two? Thank you to this family for the privilege of photographing these gorgeous kids and sweet puppies. I am excited to see what we get next with an outdoor setting and cooperative weather!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Miss E's Birthday

I do not normally photograph birthday parties, but I will do it on occasion if I can. Today I was honored to capture the 4th birthday of this precious little girl. Need I say that I am thrilled to have been there? The party was at this very cool, old-timey candy shop in SoCo...every child's idea of heaven! I gave the first photo an antiquey feel to match the era of the candy shop. The second one is probably my favorite from the day; just look at those gorgeous eyes! A big thank you to her mom & dad for asking me to do this for them!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

To my dad, my husband, and all the other wonderful fathers out there: I hope you have a fantastic Father's Day. A special note from my boys to their Papou and their Beebah: Happy Father's Day and we love you!Some may own castles on the banks of the Rhine and hire an orchestra each evening at nine, but richer than I they will never be...I had a dad who spent time with me. ~unknown

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Guess Which One Is Mad At Mom?

Yesterday was Western Day at camp, and all the kids were encouraged to don their "best bib and tucker." Did these two think they would escape without a photo? One of them was willing to give me his "tough cowboy" look and the other was just pi$$ed...guess which one doled out the sass on the way to camp? Earlier in the day as I was taking my morning walk, I was graced by the beauty of a blue sky scattered with lots of white, cottony clouds...when I witness natural beauty of this magnitude, it just further affirms my faith in a Loving Creator. Being outside as the sun peeks over the horizon, listening to the birdies sing to each other, enjoying the vim of a new day -- it's a gift. I hope y'all enjoy many gifts on this day. Nature is the art of God. ~Dante