Monday, March 3, 2014

*Project 52* week #9 / Austin, Texas Photographic Art

The letter 'I' had me stumped before I finally googled photos of words starting with I for inspiration. Well, let me tell ya, there were some good ideas. Which led me to this week's image:
'I is for Idea'.

It was either that, or 'incense' or 'illusion' or 'ignite' (all of which I will probably do at some point).

To illustrate 'idea' as a photograph, I recruited Zach, who agreed to help me, albeit begrudgingly. Matthew flat-out refused. I'm not sure why.....what tween-aged boy wouldn't jump at the chance to dress up all dapper, with slicked hair, bow tie and 'smart' specs?  ;-)

Clearly this is not a single photograph. Matthew helped me by holding the light bulb so I could capture it for this composite. Then Zach did his part, and I spent the afternoon putting it all together. I think it looks more like he is surprised than receiving an idea, but maybe it's a surprising idea. Those are fun, too.

So here ya go!

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