Sunday, January 2, 2011

HAPPY 2011 / Austin children, family and pet photographer

Here we are, a few hours into Day Two of Two Thousand Eleven.  I hope Day One was good for everyone!  I spent the entire day of 01-01-11 getting started on Resolution Number One: RENEWING MY (and my family's) SPACE.  This comprises several smaller (but not small by any means) projects, including: 1) dashing the clutter; 2) getting more organized (isn't that everyone's goal); 3) finishing painting the walls (!); and 4) updating the photos and portrait art in my home.

Why am I blogging this? you know, putting your plans/goals/dreams/intentions in writing increases the likelihood that they will come to fruition.  And "putting it out there" makes you more accountable.  AND I refer back to my blog fairly often, so this serves as a reminder.....

My first self-assigned task was to clear the kitchen desk (you know those built-in desks in or near the kitchen) in order to make it USABLE.  The cubbies behind the kitchen desk held the kids' school work from last year; that was the first to go.  We keep some of it for posterity but most of it is now GONE.  Yippee!  Accomplishment!  That was all it took to get me on a roll.

The fun thing about cleaning up and sorting through stuff is discovering things you've been looking for and things you didn't know you had which still provide amusement.  The even more fun thing is tossing stuff that you no longer need....expired coupons, old receipts, business cards that you don't know why you have, etc.  Long story short, I put four grocery sacks full of paper refuse into the recycle bin today.  It never ceases to amaze me how much PAPER we humans consume.  But I digress....

Be watching for New Things happening with Kimberly Sarantakes Photography in 2011.  One thing I'm really excited about is adding frames from The Organic Bloom and Wild Sorbet to my offering.  These frames are so flippin' cute, and they really add panache to portrait art.  I just ordered my studio sample set from The Organic Bloom and I can't wait to get it!

Now, for Resolution Number Two: get more sleep.  I think I'll start that one right now....