Tuesday, June 30, 2009

When Life Gives You Lemons...

When it rains, it pours. This is great for the grass but not so great when you are a natural light photographer who shoots primarily outdoors. Just as I was arriving at a session this morning, down came the rain, accompanied by substantial bolts of lightning. So there we were, trying to decide whether it would blow over, and I thought it would be worth a try to set up a white background next to a large window in the house. M and D were wearing white and light blue, and the precious 4-week-old puppies that served as live "props" are mostly white, so it seemed like a no-brainer. Not today...the sky was just too dark this morning. So what do you do when you've spent time moving furniture, setting up equipment, and directing two kids and five teeny puppies (and then photographing them, of course)? You find at least one usable shot and do something with it. This one was the winner. B&W should not be about rescuing images, but sometimes it really does bring out the best in a particular composition. For this shot there was no question about it. Even so, the plan was to shoot in the back yard, so we are going to try again tomorrow. Dare I hope that the rain cools things down, at least for a day or two? Thank you to this family for the privilege of photographing these gorgeous kids and sweet puppies. I am excited to see what we get next with an outdoor setting and cooperative weather!