Thursday, June 18, 2009

Guess Which One Is Mad At Mom?

Yesterday was Western Day at camp, and all the kids were encouraged to don their "best bib and tucker." Did these two think they would escape without a photo? One of them was willing to give me his "tough cowboy" look and the other was just pi$$ed...guess which one doled out the sass on the way to camp? Earlier in the day as I was taking my morning walk, I was graced by the beauty of a blue sky scattered with lots of white, cottony clouds...when I witness natural beauty of this magnitude, it just further affirms my faith in a Loving Creator. Being outside as the sun peeks over the horizon, listening to the birdies sing to each other, enjoying the vim of a new day -- it's a gift. I hope y'all enjoy many gifts on this day. Nature is the art of God. ~Dante