Monday, June 2, 2014

*Project 52* week #22 / Austin, Texas Photographic Art

Week # 22: 'V is for Vase'
How to take a banal object and make it interesting....for starters, choose one with some style. This vase is minimalist for sure, but there is enough to it to make it interesting. I love the muted colors....the rough, sanded finish topped off with a glossy white flourish at an unexpected angle....and the feminine curve in the middle. This vase would scream for flowers, if it were a screamer....I think it's the kind that gently attracts attention with a mere whisper.

I filled it with some beautiful yellow roses leftover from Easter, now dessicated and full of texture. I love dried roses as much, if not more, as fresh ones. They are marvelous subjects to photograph, particularly up close. I set the rose-adorned vase on my garage floor during mid-afternoon, just before the sun flooded it with too much light. It's one of my favorite places to photograph many things because the light is so easy to work with and it's just so pretty.

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