Friday, April 1, 2011

Nine Months of Newborns Contest ** Austin Baby Photographer/Austin Child Photographer

No April Fool’s here.  My kids dished out enough of it today (heh, heh).

Rather, I am launching a project-slash-contest that starts TODAY and runs through the end of 2011.  Effective immediately, for the next nine months, I’m looking for NEWBORNS (babies less than 2 weeks old) to photograph and create portrait art.  I’m offering complimentary newborn sessions, specially-priced prints and the opportunity to earn custom birth announcements at no extra charge.  From each session I will choose an Artist’s Favorite which will receive individual artistic treatment.  These images will be entered in a “Nine Months of Newborns” contest that will run for the month of January 2012.  It will be open voting, and the winner will receive a complimentary First Birthday session and 16x20 print, along with special one-time offerings to be revealed at a later date.  This project is limited to three newborns per month so that I can give proper attention to everyone.  That means each baby has at least a 1-in-27 chance of winning….find me another contest with better odds than that!

You may be wondering why I’ve decided to do this.  Well, let me tell you…..
First, I LOOOOVE babies.  Second, my kids are now 7 and almost 10 – I need my baby fix!  Third, I’ve photographed way more kids than babies, and my body of work needs a little balancing.  Fourth, I want to drum up a little excitement now that the weather is warm and the flowers have started to bloom.   That’s pretty much it!

Tell your friends and help me spread the word!  I’m really excited about this and can’t wait to meet some precious little ones.  All you have to do is contact me here, or call me at 512-619-5467, to schedule a session.

Stay tuned for more fun stuff in the near future!

Until then, remember:
“Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man.”
~Rabindranath Tagore